ZEE5 has released the trailer of Sanjay Mishra’s s National Award-winning movie ‘Turtle’. It is assumed that ZEE 5 is waiting for New Year Eve. The actor Sanjay Mishra also took to his Instagram handle and also has been sharing such updates about the film “Turtle”. Sanjay Mishra is a definitely versatile actor.
We have seen him in many types of characters but he is famous for his comedy. The story of the movie has been inspired by the real-life story of Ramkaran Choudhary from Rajasthan’s Dehlod village. It is the mainly metaphorical revelation of the turtle and also has been revolving around the world water shortage.
Turtle: Details
As we have the film revolves around the global shortage of water, it is a Hindi language film was premiered at the Japan Film Festival on 2nd July 2018, and also it has been selected for the China Film Festival, after that the third eye becomes Asian Film Festival and Rajasthan International Film Festival. The story of the film revolves around the Turtle that is a reptile that can dig the earth so deep and get find the water layer.
The shooting of the film was happen in Jaipur, Phagi, and Kudli village of Rajasthan. This film also got the Special Critic Award for Best Director in the Hindi Feature Film genre at the Rajasthan International Film Festival (RIFF) in January 2019.
According to the reports of ANI that the film Turtle got the National Film Award for Best Awards in August 2019. This movie is featuring Sanjay Mishra as the lead character of the story, and also has been directed by Dinesh S Yadav and also has been produced by Ashok H Choudhary
Turtle: Cast
This film is featuring Sanjay Mishra, Amol Deshmukh, Teetu Verma, Yash Rajasthani, Ankit Sharma, Ramnath Choudhary, and Monica Sharma.
Turtle: Release Date
This film was released o 31st December 2021. Now it is streaming on ZEE 5.
Here is the trailer:
A big thanks for the source.
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