MotoGP™ Bharat ticket sales have officially begun, marking India’s first-ever global motorcycling event. The Honourable Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath, received the first ticket as he unveiled the sale. The event, taking place at the Buddh International Circuit in Noida from September 22-24, is expected to bring economic activity of approximately ₹1,000 crores to Uttar Pradesh and generate employment opportunities for 5,000 people.
MotoGP™ Bharat ticket sales go live; Honourable Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath receives the first ticket
The event, organized by FairStreet Sports, represents a significant investment in the sporting ecosystem of Uttar Pradesh, with the potential to boost the state’s sporting culture and attract enthusiasts from around the world. Ticket prices range from ₹800 to ₹40,000, catering to a diverse audience and offering a variety of seating options at the Buddh International Circuit.
The Chief Operating Officer of FairStreet Sports, Pushkar Nath Srivastava, expressed pride and excitement about MotoGP™ Bharat, highlighting its significance in promoting motorcycling excellence and global sports popularity in India.
The ticket sales opening was praised by Carlos Ezpeleta, Chief Sporting Officer of Dorna Sports, who thanked Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath for his support and emphasized the huge potential for the growth of the sport in India, given the country’s position as the largest motorcycle market in the world.
India’s thriving two-wheeler market, expected to reach 42.2 million units by 2027, presents an ideal opportunity for MotoGP™ Bharat to capitalize on and flourish in terms of revenue and viewership.
With top riders such as Francesco Bagnaia, Marc Marquez, and Marco Bezzecchi participating, MotoGP™ Bharat promises an exhilarating race experience that will captivate fans and showcase the world’s best racers in action.