India’s one of the best comedies show of ‘Kapil Sharma’ will launch its upcoming season on 10th September with many new faces. Last Thursday, the makers have dropped the trailer of the show with many new faces. If you are watching Kapil Sharma’s show for a long time then, you may know that Krushna Abhishek, the talented comedian is no longer become a part of the show, fans also show disappointment on this issue. The actor confirms that he himself has decided to quit the show due to the disagreement with the producers on fees.
On this heartbroken goodbye of Krushna, Kapil, and the team will present his team who have ready to welcome a rally with new actors. The TV actress Srishty Rode also participated in TKSS. Besides her, we will also see the comedians Sidharth Nahar, Gaurav Dubey, Ishteyak Khan, and Srikant Maski have been seen in the upcoming episodes.
By reposting the new trailer Srishty Rode has shown his excitement, “Blessed With The Best, The Best Comeback Ever! Please Do Shower All Your Love,” the actress is mainly popular for her performance in the series just like Choti bahu, Punar Vivah, Yeh Ishq Haaye, last time she was seen in Biff Boss 12.
The famous face of comedy Sidharth Sagar had come back by breaking his break from the industry by trying and sorting his personal problems. The comedian recently seen in, ‘Case Yoh Banta hai’, the comedian wrote on Instagram, “Congratulations to the whole team of #tkss Coming Soon @kapilsharmashow to taiyyar ho jayye ek baar phir dekhne ke lite apne pasandeeda show ko.”
In telling about Gaurav Dubey, previously he has already served many comedy shows on television for years. The actor himself revoked very luckily by joining the show. He has also penned, and wrote, “I don’t have words to describe how much I lucky…to be part of India’s Number one show” The Kapil Sharma show” thank you to each & every one!! What a supporting team of Kapil Sharma show..writers Actors wow…
Lucky to share the stage with legends.”
The last but not the least entrant of the show is Ishtiyak Khan who had earlier worked on movies just like Janit Mein Jaari, Aanchi, and Khuda Haafiz. The Hass Bailye popular actor Srikant G Maski also features in TKSS. He has posted about the series on social media, “Everyone’s favorite #thekapilshramashow is back with a fresh new season! Only on @sonytvofficial.”
The remaining casts are Kapil Sharma, Archana Puran Singh, Sumona Chakravarti, Kiku Sharda, and Chandan Prabhakar who are the old members of the show.
The Kapil Sharma Show: Release Date
The new episodes of the show will hit on 10th September, TKSS set to air on the weekends at 9:30 pm on Sony TV.
Here is the trailer:
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