Ajay Devgn and Sidharth Malhotra are set to share the same screen for the film, ‘Thank God’ the film has set to hit this Diwali. Recently, the trailer of the film has been released. The film is addressing
Chitragupta, the god in Hindu mythology is mainly in-charge of tracking the complete records of the actions of human beings and giving them the punishment or reward for the food works. Ajay Devgn as Chitragupta and Sidharth Malhotra plays the role of a man who has to provide the answer for the work.
The concept of the film is really very unique that comes from the hands of the director Indra Kumar, there is a lot of WhatsApp humor. Indra Kumar is popular for helming this comedy franchise as Dhamaal and Masti. Previously, he also directed movies such as Beta Raja, and Dil I in the 1990s. Ajay Devgn appears in a black suit, Sidharth Malhotra has met with a car accident, he has reached Yamlok or hell for the time being while handing in-between the life and death moments. He has to deal with Chitragupta who just unveils him into the mirror as how he had led his life on Earth.
Ajay Devgn unveils that Sidharth has some anger issues, and becomes jealous of his wide’s success, the feelings had lust towards the gorgeous angel Nora Fatehi having the delusion as he will become the Singham.
After watching the trailer we can say that the film is mostly dependent on VFX as the full set of Ajay Devgn’s court in the film just appeared on the green screen. In the trailer, we have seen the music of the famous Sri Lankan song Manike Mage Hithe which was viral last year. Yohani confirmed the recording of the Hindi version of the song.
In a statement, Indra Kumar said, “ Yohani’s song has become a super sensation and I am extremely handful to Bhushanji for giving me this blockbuster track to be part of Thank God.”
Thank God: Cast
The film Thank God featured Ajay Devgn, Sidharth Malhotra, Nora Fatehi, and Rakul Preet Singh. Thank God is mainly a T-Series & Maruti International production that has been produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Ashok Thakeria, Sunir Kheterpal, and Deepak Mukut. Ananad Pandit, and Markand Adhikari. The co-producer is Yash Shah.
Thank God: Release Date
Ajay Devgn’s new mythological drama film will hit on 25th October 2022.
Here is the trailer:
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