India’s content distribution company, Tata Sky, is now providing free access to educational content on TV to all their subscribers. Tata Sky runs a Tata Sky Classroom service channel which will be free from now on. The basic reason behind this move to educate children who are already struggling by not going to school due to the pandemic. This digital education service is operated at channel number 653. The Tata Sky Classroom service is powered by Tata ClassEdge.
The content which will be shown on the channel is decided after putting a lot of thoughts. It will follow a curriculum-based pattern so that the students can actually use the inputs in their school life. The channel will cater to students from class 5 to 8. The subjects covered will be maths and science. Viewers can view the content and learn in both Hindi and English languages. Tata Sky Classroom service was first launched in 2016. The channel does not run any advertisement on this in-house built channel and keeps it to completely focus on education for the students.
The content comprises engaging animated concept-learning videos, educational games, full-length practice tests and sample papers. The answers to these papers are also provided to deliver an all-rounded educational experience to the children. The syllabus which Tata Sky will follow will be divided into two parts. Firstly, April to September and then from October to March. Videos will be run during the first three months which will be followed by revision videos, practice tests, and sample papers for the last two months.
The users will be first asked to choose a grade for their students. Then, they will be allowed to view this absolutely free educational content. Tata Sky Classroom aims to provide a learning experience to the children, especially to those present in Tier 2, 3 & 4 cities and other remote areas. This step might increase the company’s brand value in front of the customers.