Tata Motors has launched the Punch CNG at a starting price of Rs 7.10 lakh, with the top-spec model costing Rs 9.68 lakh. The Punch CNG is available in three trim levels: Pure, Adventure, and Accomplished, with the latter two receiving the same extra packages as the normal Punch. Tata, on the other hand, does not provide the equipment on the top-spec Creative trim. After the Tiago, Tigor, and Altroz, this is the fourth model in Tata’s CNG lineup.
The Punch CNG is powered by the same 1.2-litre, three-cylinder engine found in the petrol-powered Punch.
This engine produces 86hp and 113Nm of torque while running on petrol, and 73.4hp and 103Nm of peak torque when running on CNG. It is only available with a 5-speed manual gearbox. The Punch, like other models in the carmaker’s CNG lineup, can be started straight in CNG mode, which neither Maruti nor Hyundai offer.
Tata Motors’ dual-cylinder arrangement, as seen in the Altroz CNG, is used in the Punch CNG. To free up storage space, a large 60-litre tank has been divided into two smaller tanks and placed under the boot floor. The boot capacity of the Punch CNG is 210 litres, which is 156 litres less than the petrol-powered Punch.
The outward design of the Punch CNG remains unchanged, with the exception of the addition of the ‘iCNG’ badge on the tailboard, as seen on other Tata CNG models. Similarly, there are no noticeable alterations to the Punch CNG’s inside.
The Punch CNG comes standard with a 7.0-inch touchscreen and digital driver’s display, Android Auto and Apple CarPlay connectivity, 16-inch alloy wheels, an engine start/stop button, automatic climate control, automatic projector headlamps, a height-adjustable driver’s seat, and even a sunroof, the latter of which is now available on the petrol-powered Punch as well.
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