The production plant for the iPhone owned by Wistron was recently acquired by the Tata Group, making it the first Indian company to manufacture the device. Before that, Tata was already producing some spare components for Apple at its Hosur site in Tamil Nadu, including the iPhone casing.
Tata Group intends to double production at its iPhone facility in Hosur
Per reports, the Tata Group is currently considering doubling the output capacity of its Hosur facility. Tata is reportedly under pressure from Apple to meet strict deadlines for producing iPhones in India that would be sold to other countries.
The project will add 28,000 new employees to the current 15,000, and it should be finished in 12 to 18 months. As ET was informed by a top government source, “The company is looking to expand the unit to 1.5–2 times the current size and capacity.” Not only may the new plant serve other premium smartphone manufacturers, but it might produce parts mainly for Apple phones.
The IT giant with headquarters in Cupertino has been depending more and more on Tata Electronics to supply the growing demand for iPhone exports. Notably, Apple overtook Samsung in the second quarter of this year to take the top spot for smartphone exports from India, accounting for 49% of all shipments as opposed to 45% for its Korean counterpart.
According to the most recent estimates, Apple shipped iPhones worth over $5 billion from India in the first seven months of FY24 (April–October), a phenomenal 177% year-over-year gain. This highlights the mutually beneficial collaboration between Apple and Tata Electronics and strengthens India’s position in the world’s smartphone manufacturing industry.
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