Vijay Antony

Title Clash! Vijay Antony Claims Rights to ‘Parasakthi’ While Sivakarthikeyan’s Team Disagrees

Sivakarthikeyan’s upcoming film Parasakthi: Title Dispute Over Sivakarthikeyan’s ‘Parasakthi’: Vijay Antony Raises Objections Sivakarthikeyan’s upcoming film Parasakthi has sparked a title controversy after actor-producer Vijay...

Kolai: Vijay Antony coming for a new mystery thriller film

Vijay Anthony comes with a new film trailer under the director Balaji Kumar of 'Vidiyum Munn’  with the fame that is known as 'Kolai'...
Raishya Das

Title Clash! Vijay Antony Claims Rights to ‘Parasakthi’ While Sivakarthikeyan’s Team...

Sivakarthikeyan’s upcoming film Parasakthi: Title Dispute Over Sivakarthikeyan’s ‘Parasakthi’: Vijay Antony Raises Objections Sivakarthikeyan’s upcoming film Parasakthi has sparked a title controversy after actor-producer Vijay...
Reetam Bodhak
EchoVerse - Tag Template

Kolai: Vijay Antony coming for a new mystery thriller film

Vijay Anthony comes with a new film trailer under the director Balaji Kumar of 'Vidiyum Munn’  with the fame that is known as 'Kolai'...