Kanguva OTT Release: Suriya and Bobby Deol’s Fantasy Drama Streams After...
The much-anticipated fantasy action drama Kanguva, starring Suriya, Bobby Deol, and Disha Patani, is all set to make its OTT debut. After a disappointing...
Kanguva HD Leaked Online: What It Means for Suriya and the...
The highly anticipated film Kanguva, starring the talented Suriya, has recently faced a major setback. Despite the excitement surrounding its release, the movie has...
Kanguva Day 1 Box Office: ₹16.67 Crore Opening for Suriya
Kanguva, the Suriya and Bobby Deol action-packed extravaganza was released today amidst a lot of buzz. Despite mixed reviews from critics, the film managed...
Kanguva Advance Booking: Suriya, Bobby Deol Cross ₹2.2 Crore
Kanguva a historical epic fantasy film directed by Siva starring Suriya, Bobby Deol, and Disha Patani is slated for release on theatre screens on...
Kanguva OTT Release Date: Suriya’s Epic Fantasy Set for a Major...
The highly anticipated Tamil historical fantasy film Kanguva, starring Suriya in the lead role, is already creating waves in the film industry. Directed by...
Suriya and Bobby Deol Clash in Epic Tale of “Kanguva”
The anticipation surrounding Siva’s socio-fantasy film Kanguva reached a fever pitch with the release of its trailer.
Starring Suriya, Bobby Deol, and Disha Patani...