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Google Play Redeem Codes for FREE Today, February 27 [₹10, 30, 100, & 800]

Google Play Redeem Codes as of February 27, 2025: All You Need to Know   Google Play, commonly referred to as the Play Store, is an...

Qualcomm and Google Extend Android Software Support to 8 Years

Qualcomm and Google have announced an extended software support plan for select Android smartphones, increasing updates to eight years. This effort extends to devices...
Raunak Saha

Reliance Jio promises to bring affordable 5G smartphones in India with...

Reliance Jio is strong in India with about 388 million subscribers in India, thanks to its affordable data plans in the country and obviously...
Raunak Saha
Google joins hand with Jio platforms with ₹ 33,737 crores of investment

Google joins hand with Jio platforms with ₹ 33,737 crores of...

At its annual grand meeting or AGM, Reliance backed Jio platforms get another investor or as in a strategic investor in the form of...
Raunak Saha
Why did Google Cloud choose AMD EPYC server CPUs for its Confidential VMs?

Why did Google Cloud choose AMD EPYC server CPUs for its...

As we all know Google Cloud is one of the major cloud platform in the cloud computing segment along with other players including Amazon...
Anupam Modak
Google for

Google is going to invest around ₹75000 crores in India

The Sixth Edition of Google for India just successfully conducted yesterday and due to the pandemic, it was conducted over the internet. The entire...
Raunak Saha
Google partners with Ubuntu to bring Flutter apps to Linux

Google partners with Ubuntu to bring Flutter apps to Linux

Since the inception of Android, Google has always supported app development with its open-source Android Studio and also developed Flutter, more recently. Flutter is...
Anupam Modak
Google is Blocking

Google is blocking AnTuTu app use for data abuse blame

Hop you all know that Google removed the Chinese benchmarking tool AnTuTu from the Play Store, one of the reasons behind it was the...