
Google Play Redeem Codes for FREE Today, February 7 [₹10, 30, 100, & 800]

Google Play Redeem Codes as of February 7, 2025: All You Need to Know   Google Play, commonly referred to as the Play Store, is an...

The Shifting Landscape of Search: Google’s Reign and the Rise of Alternatives

In the ever-evolving world of search engines, a seismic shift is underway. For the first time in a decade, Google’s iron grip on the...
Anupam Modak

Nearby Share by Google starts getting rolled out

Most of the Android users were waiting for Apple's AirDrop like feature in Android i.e. Nearby Share. Finally, Google started rolling out this feature....
Raunak Saha
Google launches a 2-month Free Stadia Pro trial

Google Stadia gets support for Wireless Controllers on Android, brings new...

Google's cloud gaming service Stadia has been there for quite a long time and will soon complete a year. Though it has faced its...
Google 4A receives FCC certification, closing launch

Google 4A receives FCC certification, closing launch

Previously it was said that the Google Pixel 4A will launch in May, but it got delayed to June, then July due to some...
Raunak Saha
Apple still ahead of Google when it comes to new OS adoption

Apple still ahead of Google when it comes to new OS...

WWDC 2020 is few hours away where iOS 14 will officially be announced, so how about a quick look on how many Apple devices...
Anupam Modak

File sharing system Nearby Share may support on Chrome OS, Windows,...

We all are aware of the file-sharing system by Apple called AirDrop. It allows file sharing between Apple devices without installing any third-party app....
Anupam Modak
Fitbit may get Google Assistant Support

Reports: Fitbit may get Google Assistant Support, apparently for Versa 2

Reports say that Fitbit is currently working to embed the Google Voice Assistant to its products. As per 9to5Google, they found strings in the...