The trailer of Akshaye Khanna’s debut web film has been dropped on Zee5. The name of the film is Siege: Temple Attack. It is directed by Ken Ghosh, who is based on the 2002 terrorist attack on Akshardham Temple, which is situated in Gujarat.
The trailer reveals that the terrorist is shown visiting the temple and taking all the pilgrims hostage. After they begin to kill the hostages, NSG commander Hanut Singh played by Akshaye Khanna entry to the scene and tells his senior that the cop is not enough trained to tackle a situation like this NSG should engage.
At that moment, it begins the action-packed exchange of NSG and the terrorists. They have said that these soldiers would be the safeguard of the pride of the nation. You can call the film the tribute to the NSG. Ken Ghosh was stated that there was an immense amount of hard work that has gone in to make this film. The trailer is definitely an adrenaline booster of the film.
The film features Vivek Dahiya, Gautam Rode, Manjari Faddis, and Akhshay Oberoi, who have played the pivoted roles in this film. It has also contained some nicely choreographed fist-fighting and bloody fights between the security forces and the terrorists.
Release Date
This incredible action film will start to stream on 9th July by following 26/11, a popular miniseries based on the 2008 Mumbai attacks and Lt. Col(retd.) Sundeep Sen was also the second in command during the consultant on both the State of siege projects. It is definitely will be an incredible film.
Here is the trailer of the film: