Sony has launched its next-gen gaming console, PlayStation 5 back on November 12th in the global market and releases it by a wider range on the 19th. But still, there is no official news about the launch in the Indian market. Obviously, when a huge percentage of PS fans are getting access, the Indian fans are way far from that. So, they choose to import the new PlayStation 5.
To do that, Indians are accessing the grey market. On top of that, they are paying unreasonable prices. As per the reports, the amount reaches close to INR 90,000 from a single unit, which is around double in comparison to the global market price. Though the prices of the Indian variants are not revealed yet, converting the global price, it comes around INR 29,400 for the Digital Edition and INR 36,800 for the regular edition.
Sony, on the entire scenario, commented that all the imported units will not come under the official Sony warranty. No doubt, it’s a warning for all the Indian PS5 fans who already imported it or are under process.
According to a report by India Today, a Sony PlayStation representative said to MensXP, “We advise our customers to check for the official Sony India Warranty card at the time of purchase to avail warranty benefits within India and in this context, it is important to note that PlayStation products marketed by Sony India are certified based on India safety standards stipulated by BIS,”