The famous actor Abhilash Thapliyal has come with a new drama series titled, ‘SK Sir Ki Class’. The new series depicts a unanimous appreciation for his work in the streaming series ‘TVF Aspirants’, After a long time he has got his own spin-off in this series. The trailer of the series was dropped on Friday and that reveals Abhilash’s titular character getting ready for his student for the UPSC, but somehow, he has changed his mind and decided to not continue the course.
The trailer of the upcoming TVF starts with a lecture that is telling clearing UPSC is not too easy, you study for four hours, and it’s done. In this trailer, we have seen one teacher scolding his student to take the exam seriously and prepare properly. After getting this kind of behavior from his teacher, the student becomes very depressed. The trailer has introduced many funny moments as teachers and students are sharing lovely bonds. In this critical moment, the student found SK sir who has arisen a question in them as to what to do in life.
The story depicts the generation problem as it shows one student whose family always got one IAS in each generation, but this time it moves towards an exception. The story depicts the struggle of UPSC aspirants who are struggling a lot to become an IAS officer, but everything becomes very difficult for them. On this path he is facing everything sometimes others taunt him, and sometimes he becomes hopeless. In the life of the student, SK Sir has come who has given some tasks that will become very fruitful for him. The trailer ends with a dialogue that says “In this race of IAS tortoise always win.
SK Sir Ki Class: Release Date
SK Sir Ki Class will hit soon on YouTube on 21st February 2023.
Here is the trailer:
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