Recently, Sony has that its new Season of Play is loaded with holiday activities and bonuses. Excited, right, well it’s not just you, and every player having PlayStation is excited right now.
Well, I want to know what holiday activities and bonuses PlayStation is offering in its new play. Then you are at the right place, because we are here to discuss that only. So, without any delays let’s dig in.
Sony’s Season of Play
Sony has announced a new PlayStation Plus Season of Play event, which is scheduled for December 5. The Season of Play will be long and last till January 5 which is one month and the entire holiday season.
In this Season of Play event, players will get bonuses and discounts on PlayStation products. Not only that but the bonuses and discounts are also applicable on the tournaments, Crunchyroll titles, and a free online multiplayer weekend.
While there are plenty of holiday activities for the PlayStation Plus subscribers, there will be few activities for non – subscribers. This includes a chance to win a PS5 too.
This Season of Play is a part of PlayStation Plus, however, despite this fact, not all the Season of Play events demand a membership. Some Season of Play events are for non–member players too and they will be able to redeem free avatars for PlayStation 4 and 5.
This is because of the commemorating some of the PlayStation Plus’ most popular titles of all time. In addition, the players can also avail a 15% discount on the PlayStation merch over the holidays.
To make the holiday Season of Play more exciting, Sony is organizing a competition to win a PS5 and a 12-month subscription to the PlayStation Plus Premium. As you may already know this is the top – most expensive tier of the PlayStation subscription, so the content is worth your consideration.
However, unlike the previous Season of Play activities, this time the competition will not pop up on the PlayStation + home page. It will be on the homepage on December 19.
To enter the content first players have to answer 5 questions about the PS+ gaming catalog. However, till now it is unclear whether this content will be in the trivial style or something like a survey.
Well, we will know that only when the content is live, or unless Sony makes an announcement about it. Thus, if you have a PlayStation product, or device or want to participate in a tournament then this is the right time.