School Spirits Season 2
The first season of School Spirits, a supernatural teen drama television series created by Megan and Nate Trinrud, premiered on Paramount+ on March 9, 2023. The show takes place in the made-up town of Split River, Wisconsin, and is an adaptation of the Trinruds and Maria Nguyen’s upcoming graphic novel.
The protagonist of the tale is Maddie, a teenage girl who explores the mystery surrounding her own disappearance while traversing the afterlife. We have all the information you need to know if there will be a second season.
When will School Spirits Season 2 be available on Netflix?
The second season of School Spirits is anticipated to debut in early to mid-2025.
The first season of School Spirits struck a deep chord with viewers, winning them over with affection. The story explores the territory of teen mystery drama, following Maddie as she investigates the afterlife in the wake of her unexplained death.
Encouraged by the success of the first season, the writers announced a second season two months later. Fans were ecstatic to hear the news so quickly and were looking forward to the show’s continuance.
Since the second season is still in the planning stages, this date is only an estimate based on the information available to us at the time of writing.
The success of School Spirits’ first season can be attributed to its strong cast. In addition to Kristian Flores as Simon Elroy, Milo Manheim as Wally Clark, Kiara Pichardo as Nicole Herrera, Sarah Yarkin as Rhonda, Nick Pugliese as Charley, and Rainbow Wedell as Claire Zomer, the main actor playing Maddie Nears is Peyton List.
Where will Season 2 of School Spirits be available?
It is anticipated that School Spirits Season will air on Paramount Plus.
This is as a result of School Spirits’ first season being made available on the same streaming service.
“Maddie, a teen stuck in the afterlife investigating her own disappearance, goes on a crime-solving journey as she adjusts to high school purgatory,” is how the official summary of School Spirits puts it.
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