Under the recently launched scheme by the Indian Government “Atmanirbhar Bharat” it omits the import duty from the open cell TV panels. Point to note, the import duty costs 70% of the TV’s input cost. To take advantage of this scheme, both the companies are taking initiatives to manufacture most of their TVs locally. In addition, they also need to bother about their supply chain breakdown that happened during lockdown days.
Dixon Technologies was manufacturing the 32-inch and 43-inch TVs for Samsung in the past. But, from now this section will be handled by a Chinese electronics firm named Skyworth. Samsung partnered with it for this. The older partner, Dixon Technology will shift to manufacture television sets in 43-inch to the 58-inch screen size range. The Economictimes says the production will be around 85% to 90% of the televisions Samsung sell in India.
On the other hand, OnePlus is totally new for making its TVs in India. It only launched its first-gen smart TV in India back in 2019 and those were imported from China. But, after this step, most of its next TV sets will be manufactured in India for sure.
All the other television market leaders like Sony, LG, and Panasonic are already manufacturing their products in our country and may boost their work farther. Lastly, all the information mentioned is from the report, the companies not yet said a word regarding this. Expecting an early reveal from their end.
Source: Economictimes
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