Samsung Electronics had filed a 66 page long patent in the mid of 2021 that was titled ‘Electronics device comprising flexible display’ for a phone with a foldable P-shaped display. This patent was made public on the 20th of January, 2022 following which the site LetsGoDigital partnered with designer Jermaine Smit to create renders of it.
The new device, when folded looks like the average smartphone but the point of difference is the top-left edge of the phone wraps around all the way to the rear.
When unfolded, the display turns into an unconventional P-shape, it can be compared to the likes of the LG Wing back from 2020 except that the Wing used double displays instead of the single foldable unit Samsung sports.
In order to render this possible, an ingenious hinge has been integrated into the side of the frame, below the folding screen. The design is pretty tough in order to prevent breakage if it is accidentally bent more than it should be.
The screen itself is made with UTG or Ultra-Thin Glass which is the industry standard for all Samsung foldable devices.
The use-cases for such a device are hard to imagine but it may help you watch videos in full landscape mode on the upper part of the display while the lower part shows another app. Videocalls making proper use of the additional space supplied by this absurd shape also offer a better experience.
Image Source: LetsGoDigital
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