Samsung has announced its ISOCELL HP1 200MP camera sensor a while ago, this will be debuting on the Moto X30 Pro smartphone in a couple of days. This is not the only sensor that the company has been working on, it is also involved in the development of another 200MP camera which is likely the ISOCELL HP3.
Samsung could launch camera sensors with a 600MP resolution:
The latest report indicates that the South Korean brand has filed a trademark for “Hexa2Pixel” which is a 450MP camera sensor. The ISOCELL HP1 200MP camera sensor and the ISOCELL HP3 sensors utilize the “Tetra2Pixel RGB Bayer Pattern,” which makes use of 16:1 binning. The new trademark indicates the brand is working on a lens capable of having a binning ratio o 36:1.
Samsung’s sensors have post-binning images in the range of 12MP to 12.5MP and on that basis, it can be assumed that the company’s sensor which is under development falls somewhere around the 432-450MP range.
Though the company has filed for a trademark for a 450MP sensor, it will not be out anytime soon. The sensor is still in the nascent stages of development and it will take months for it to be launched in the market.
Samsung intends to launch camera sensors with a capacity of up to 600MP resolution with a 1/0.57″ optical format. This new sensor is just the beginning of what it is looking to achieve in the coming years.
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