Google launched its Stadia service around a year ago, and till then Apple’s one of the signatures in the software department, Safari browser was not able to run the service. On the other hand, Stadia was easily accessible on Android, Web, and Chromecast. Now, it seems Safari will be able to run Stadia after the iOS 14 update.
The current version of Safari was launched before the arrival of Google Stadia. As a result, the browser with iOS 13 didn’t have the necessary features to run Google’s gaming service smoothly.
Gem Stadia posted a short video that indicates the access of Stadia in a new browser. It is not Chrome or some other browser that is based on Chromium, such as Edge. To be specific, as per Gem Stadia, the new update will make Stadia accessible to Safari in iPhones and iPad.
Our source, 9to5Google tried to reach Google regarding this, but they declined to comment at present.
Most probably, Google reprioritized its point of view to make Stadia available for iOS and that because of Amazon Luna.
The cloud gaming service is going to be one of the trends in the coming days for sure. So, all the leaders are preparing themselves.
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