Shehnaaz Gill recently shared a sneak peek into her upcoming film, Sab First Class, where she’s set to share the screen with the talented Varun Sharma of Fukrey fame. Directed by Balwinder Singh Janjua and backed by powerhouse producers Murad Khetani, JIO Studios, Cine 1 Studios, and Movie Tunnel Productions, this cinematic extravaganza is creating waves of anticipation among fans.
Shehnaaz Gill Revealed Her New Movie ‘Sab First Class‘
In a social media spectacle, Shehnaaz Gill took her social media to reveal the exciting news about her movie Sab First Class. The film boasts a stellar cast, featuring Shehnaaz alongside Varun Sharma, under the direction of Balwinder Singh Janjua.
Accompanying Shehnaaz’s announcement were two captivating images that offered a glimpse into the world of Sab First Class. The first image showcased the leading lady holding a clapperboard, flanked by co-star Varun Sharma, director Balwinder Singh Janjua, and producer Murad Khetani. The second image, a clapperboard adorned with scene number 48, shot number 1+2, and take 1, hinted at the excitement and meticulous planning behind the scenes. Shehnaaz’s caption, “2024 begins,” was punctuated with celebratory emojis, setting the stage for what promises to be a cinematic spectacle.
As the news broke, Shehnaaz’s fans flooded the comment section with congratulatory messages, showcasing their unwavering support. Actress Zareen Khan also joined the chorus, expressing her excitement with a heartfelt “Mubarak ho” and a red heart emoji.
Varun Sharma’s Social Media Revelations
Varun Sharma, the Fukrey fame co-star, echoed the enthusiasm on his social media handle. Sharing the same captivating images, Varun declared, “Starting off 2024 on a First Class note,” expressing gratitude and excitement. He acknowledged the collaborative effort, thanking his “Jigri” Shehnaaz Gill, director Balwinder Singh Janjua, and producer Murad Khetani, along with the backing from Cine 1 Studios, Movie Tunnel Productions, and JIO Studios. Varun’s post exuded confidence in the project, promising a “Super fun ride” and dedicating it to everyone who has supported them along the way. The post was adorned with a red heart, sparkles, a blessed face, and a dizzy emoji, adding a personal touch to the announcement.
Varun Sharma’s post didn’t just capture the attention of fans; it resonated across the industry. Pulkit Samrat, Varun Sharma’s Fukrey co-star, joined the celebration with dancing man emojis, amplifying the camaraderie between the two actors. Bollywood heartthrob Varun Dhawan expressed his excitement with a cascade of red heart emojis. Interestingly, Varun Dhawan and Varun Sharma had previously shared the screen in the 2022 film ‘Bhediya,’ further adding to the anticipation surrounding ‘Sab First Class.’
Background of Shehnaaz Gill and Varun Sharma
Shehnaaz Gill, known for her charismatic presence in Bigg Boss 13, debuted in Bollywood in Salman Khan’s ‘Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan.’ A growing fan base and critical acclaim have marked her journey in the industry. Varun Sharma, recognized for his impeccable comic timing, gained popularity with the Fukrey series, also last seen in Fukrey 3 showed him as a consistent performer in the industry.
Sab First Class, directed by the accomplished Balwinder Singh Janjua, the industry is abuzz with anticipation. The collaboration between Shehnaaz Gill and Varun Sharma injects a fresh dynamic, promising an unforgettable cinematic experience. The film is poised to make a significant impact in 2024.
Stay tuned on Technosports for updates on further development of the movie.