Around a month ago, the smartphone maker Realme came with a wired earphone that is designed similar to the products we use around four to five years back. Realme named it Buds Basic. Needless to say, in this era of TWS and wireless earphones, this move is truly daring. Now, Redmi is also following the same. It listed Redmi Earphones on the e-commerce platform Amazon India a few days back. The launch is scheduled for 7th September 12:00 PM. Have a look that the company is presenting to us.
Specifications –
- Redmi added a 10mm Sound unit driver inside
- Hi-Res audio output
- Dynamic bass
- Built-in HD microphone
- 1.25-meter Y-shaped cable
- Mini remote control to manage calls as well as tracks
- Lightweight and comfortable fit
The company is offering all these at Rs.399, the same price as Realme Buds Basic. There is nothing mentioned about the color variants, but the images indicate that there will be three options – Black, Red, and Blue. This will be a very tough choice for the customers to pick the better one as the price is the same, only the audio driver’s size and design. The links of both these products are given below.
Redmi Earphone:
Realme Buds Basic:
Do Check Out 👇🏼