Next week, on January 4, 2024, the Redmi Note 13 series is expected to make its debut in India. Xiaomi HyperOS will not be available for these phones anytime soon. All Redmi Note 13 series phones will launch with MIUI 14, which is based on Android 13, in India as well as globally. All phones will receive 4 years of security updates and 3 years of Android updates (up to Android 16).
Redmi Note 13 series specifications
The Redmi Note 13 comes with a MediaTek Dimensity 6080 chipset, whilst the Pro variant runs on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 network. A MediaTek Dimensity 7200 Ultra SoC powers the upscale Pro+ variant.
There are two back cameras in the vanilla model and three rear cameras on the Pro model. Along with a 16-megapixel selfie camera, the Redmi Note 13 sports a 2-megapixel macro lens and a 100-megapixel main sensor.
An 8-megapixel ultra-wide-angle lens, a 2-megapixel macro unit, a 16-megapixel front sensor, and a 200-megapixel Samsung ISOCELL HP3 main back sensor with optical image stabilization (OIS) are all included in the Pro and Pro+ versions.
While the Pro model has a slightly larger 5,100mAh battery, the vanilla edition and the more expensive Pro+ variant both have 5,000mAh battery units. The Redmi Note 13 provides 33W of fast charging, the Note 13 Pro 67W, and the Note 13 Pro+ 120W. These three models have different fast charging capacities.
The Redmi Note 13 might launch at a price of Rs.17,999. Meanwhile, the higher-end Redmi Note 13 Pro and Redmi Note 13 Pro+ at a price of Rs.24,999 and Rs.29,999 respectively.