Recently, an eight-year-old girl died due to a mobile phone explosion in Thrissur, Kerala. The blast occurred when the girl was watching a video on her phone. It is said that the phone was a Redmi, although the company has not yet confirmed whether the girl’s death was caused by the fire in the Redmi phone.
Redmi Note 12 Pro phone blast details
Now there is news of a fire in the Redmi Note 12 Pro. A Twitter user named Naveen Dahia has claimed that his Redmi Note 12 Pro caught fire, and his phone burnt to ashes. However, there is no news of any injuries. Naveen also shared a picture of his phone bill. He bought the Redmi Note 12 Pro on February 13 of this year.
On the evening of April 12, Naveen was working in his field, and his phone was kept in his shirt pocket. Suddenly, the phone caught fire. Naveen immediately took out the phone from his pocket and threw it outside. He was physically unharmed, but his phone burnt to ashes.
After this incident, he spoke to Redmi India’s customer care but did not receive a satisfactory response. Navin has threatened legal action against Xiaomi India. Redmi India’s customer support has replied to Navin’s post and asked for complete information, although Redmi has not provided any information on this matter yet.
Now the question is why do phones catch fire? In fact, there can be many reasons for a phone to catch fire. Many times, a phone catches fire when it is charged for a long time. Sometimes, a short circuit can also cause a fire.