Quite surprisingly the recently launched Redmi Note 12 5G has heavily been criticized by initial buyers on Amazon India and the reviews look very bad though. Though sports all the required ingredients to satisfy most Indian users but most have complained and given very bad reviews on the e-commerce site.
A lot of people have complained about the ₹17,999 starting price which is on the higher side obviously and almost the entire Note 12 series pricing has been on the higher side. On top of this, people have heavily complained about the camera of this Redmi Note 12 5G and have heavily criticized the focus as well as the video quality being very poor.
While people do have praised the Super AMOLED display with 120Hz refresh rate and up to 1200 nits of peak brightness, that seems the only thing people have liked. Many have complained about the poor performance of the Snapdragon 4 Gen 1 and the lag due to the heavy MIUI while the base variant only sports 4GB RAM even with higher pricing.
Though no one complained about 5G or connectivity features but have also shown their frustration against the 5000mAh battery which is enough for most a lot of people to say that the battery is draining very fast. Every single recent review has poured in negative opinions and the average rating of this Redmi Note 12 5G is only 2.5 out of 5.
This is one of the lowest ratings a Redmi Note has ever got after launch and most honest reviews have critically dug into the camera and increased pricing. Even though Samsung cannot afford an AMOLED display at Rs.15k, people are happy with 5G and a higher refresh rate LCD display but Xiaomi has spent too much on the display that they have lost their “focus” on cameras.
Should you buy this Note 12 5G? Well, seeing the reviews it seems Xiaomi has totally done it wrong in terms of perfect balance, these days paying Rs.18k no one will like an entry-level camera performance and if as Indians have become familiar with exceptional camera quality from Xiaomi previously, this kind of negative reviews is obvious.
What you do you have to say about this new Redmi Note 12 5G and the negative reviews? Let us know in the comments down below!