Redmi 9 launched in India today in three different colour options and two different storage variants. The phone comes in Carbon Black, Sky Blue, and Sporty Orange colour options. Redmi 9 comes in 4GB + 64GB storage variant priced at Rs.8,999 whereas the 4GB + 128GB variant is priced at Rs.9,999. This Indian version is cheaper than the global Spanish version. The sale will start on 31st August at 12 noon via Amazon,, and offline retailers in the country.
Specifications of Redmi 9
Redmi 9 features a 6.53-inch HD+ (720×1,600 pixels) Dot View display. It comes with a dual rear camera including a 13MP primary sensor and a 2MP depth sensor. The phone has a 5MP front camera. Redmi Note 9 runs on the latest MIUI 12 based on Android 10. The hardware details follow with octa-core MediaTek Helio G35 SoC paired with 4GB RAM and up to 128GB onboard storage. The storage can be expanded via micro-SD card up to 512GB. Redmi 9 has a huge 5,000mAh battery with no fast charging support.
These are the specifications of the Redmi 9 and as we all know that this phone will be available via Amazon on 31st August in two different colour options and two different storage variants.
The Amazon link for buying this phone is here:
Xiaomi is about to launch its new Mi 10T series. Though there is no such official confirmation about the release of this phone, there are some images leaked online. The Mi 10 series includes the Mi 10, Mi 10 Pro, Mi 10 Lite, Mi 10 Lite Zoom, and the Mi 10 Ultra. Now Xiaomi is working on a Mi 10T series which will include the Mi 10T and the Mi 10T Pro. It is expected that Mi 10T Pro will have a model number M2007J3SG and some camera details are also uncovered about this phone.