Redmi 10 Prime is launching in India on 3rd September. It will be a budget offering from the company. Recently the company has announced that this smartphone will be the first phone to bring the MediaTek Helio G88 processor to India. So, the Helio G88 is an upgrade over the Helio G80 SoC and Redmi 10 Prime will be the first smartphone to feature this processor in India.
The Redmi 10 Prime we are talking about is said to be the Indian version of the Redmi 10 that was launched by the company globally. So most of the specifications of the smartphone will be similar to the global version.
Here are the detailed specifications of the Redmi 10 global version.
The Redmi 10 Prime will be sold via and as well as on offline stores across India. The price is yet to be disclosed but it is expected to be priced closer to Rs. 10,000 range.