Realme has already launched the Realme X7 Pro in China, and this phone is about to launch in India very soon as well. The Realme X7 Pro has been spotted on the Realme India support page. That listing of the X7 Pro is hinting at an imminent launch in the country. Apart from it, Realme has also launched the Realme 7 5G smartphone in China.
Both smartphones are powered by the Dimensity processors, such as the Realme X7 Pro, powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 1000+ chipset whereas the MediaTek Dimensity 800U chipset powers the Realme 7 5G. That means, both the smartphones will support 5G connectivity, and both feature a quad rear camera setup.
As of now, Realme has not confirmed anything regarding the launch of the Realme X7 Pro in India. But, as this phone has been listed on the Realme India support page, we can definitely expect an imminent launch from Realme. Moreover, Realme India CEO Madhav Sheth has already confirmed that the upcoming Realme X7 lineup will get launched in India in 2021 and that series will contain Realme X7 and Realme X7 Pro smartphones.
As per the pricing of the Realme X7 Pro in Taiwan (X7 Pro and Realme 7 5G launched in Taiwan), this phone is priced at TWD 14,990 (roughly Rs. 39,000) for its 8GB of RAM + 256GB of storage variant and TWD 13,990 (roughly Rs. 36,500) for its 8GB of RAM + 128GB of storage variant.