Realme has announceed a new launch event, a couple of days earlier, where it’s rumored that a VR glass will be introduced. Now, Mr. Madhav Seth, the CEO of Realme, teased a Pro version of a smartwatch this Wednesday, and on the next day, again posts another image with two smartwatches. On the other hand, the company posted a small clip having a television. First, discuss the smartwatch section.
Realme Watch S series is not new in the market, as the Realme Watch S is already available in some countries like Europe and Pakistan, and the company showcased the Pro version during the IFA this year. Madhav teased a Pro version smartwatch on the 9th as I mentioned earlier.
So, it will be safe to accept that the smartwatch is Realme Watch S Pro. On the next day, he again twitted an image that has a couple of smartwatches. In case you don’t know, the base model i.e. Realme Watch S is yet to launch in India, the image could be a hint to the launch of the Watch S here.
Coming to the television, in the clip posted on Realme’s Twitter handle, the invitation of Realmeow was visible in a new Realme TV. In the caption, the line “Get ready to enjoy a real movie experience!” supports the existence of a new television.
Taking the look of the new television and Realmeow invitation together, we can easily guess that the screen will launch at the Realmeow event along with the previously informed VR glass. On top of that, the two S series watches will also introduce on the same platform, as there is no other event this year.
Lastly, the Realmeow event is scheduled for 15th December at 12:30 PM IST.