Recently, Realme gave a glimpse of the Realme Pad while announcing the Realme GT Series of smartphones and Realme Book notebooks in India. The company confirmed that the tablet will be equipped with an AMOLED panel, we have certain details of the device such as the battery size and the camera specs that emerged in earlier leaks.
A Chinese tipster has now shared the key specs of the Realme Pad. According to the tipster, the Realme Pad will sport a 10.4″ AMOLED panel and will be powered by a 7,100mAh battery.
It will be equipped with a single camera on the rear. If you love your audio quality, the device comes with quad speakers, as per previous reports the Realme Pad measures 246x156x6.8mm.
Past reports have claimed that its rear side features an 8MP camera along with autofocus, whereas the front camera is fitted with a fixed focus 8MP camera. We can expect the Realme Pad to have 6GB of RAM and 64GB of storage.
The rumor mill is yet to reveal the processor that would power the Realme Pad, so we are not yet sure if the device will carry support for 5G connectivity, it is speculated that the tablet will arrive in a Wi-Fi only and Wi-Fi+LTE variants.
It is likely that the Realme Pad may carry support for a stylus, the leaked renders of the device have revealed that it may come in at least two color variants such as a grey variant and a gold variant.
The company may unveil more details with respect to the Realme Pad in the coming months.
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