On Monday, Realme introduced the P1 5G and P1 Pro 5G models in India, both of which have a glossy Phoenix Design. The Realme P1 5G runs on a Dimensity 7050 SoC, while the Realme P1 Pro 5G uses the Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 chipset. The 5,000mAh batteries support 45W wired SuperVOOC charging, and they may be purchased and installed alongside the Realme Pad 2 Wi-Fi, and the Realme Buds T110.
The All New Realme P1 5G and P1 Pro 5G
As for the Realme P1 base model, the choices are 6GB+128GB for ₹14,999 and 8GB+256GB for ₹16,999 in Peacock Green and Phoenix Red. The early bird sale of this model commenced on April 15th at 6 pm IST and lasted until 8 pm. The first official sale of the P1 is set for April 22nd, at 12pm IST. However, Realme announced P1 Pro 5G for ₹19,999 for the 8GB + 128GB one and ₹20,999 for the 8GB + 256GB one in Parrot Blue and Phoenix Red colors.
A Red Limited Sale will take place on April 22 from 6 pm to 8 pm IST, preceding the official first sale on April 30 at 12pm IST. Flipkart and the Realme India website will start selling both models and the Realme Buds T110, and Realme Pad 2 Wi-Fi version. The latter device will be available on April 19th, and sales start at 12 pm IST.
Realme P1 5G comes with a 6.67-inch full-HD+ AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate, a 240Hz touch sampling rate, and a peak brightness of 2,000 nits. The device is equipped with MediaTek Dimensity 7050 chipset, 8GB of RAM, up to 256GB of storage, and a new Android 14-based Realme UI 5.0 with promises of two Android generations. Additionally, the smartphone comes with a 50MP primary rear sensor, a 16MP front camera, and an IP54 rating for dust and splash.
The Realme P1 Pro 5G has similar specs as the base model, is powered by Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 SoC, a curved OLED display, and an IP65 rating for dust and splash resistance. The device carries a 50MP Sony LYT-600 primary rear sensor with OIS and additional imaging enhancements for excellent photo quality.