Redmi will be launching the Redmi Turbo 4 today, the first smartphone to be powered by MediaTek’s Dimensity 8400-Ultra chipset. A few days earlier, Realme also confirmed plans to launch a device featuring the same chip, which will be named the Realme Neo 7 SE. The Realme Neo 7 SE is likely to be a lower-cost variant of the Realme Neo 7, which debuted last month around the world, coming with a Dimensity 9300+ chipset and a massive 7,000mAh battery. The Neo 7 starts at 2,199 Yuan ($300), so the Neo 7 SE could be priced somewhere around 1,899 Yuan ($260). The Realme Neo 7 SE will launch in China as early as next month, thanks to an official confirmation.
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Realme Neo 7 SE with Dimensity 8400-Ultra, 7000mAh Battery Launching in February 2025
The Neo 7 SE will succeed the Realme GT Neo 6 SE, which launched in China and as the Global Realme GT 6T. The Neo 7 SE will likely follow a similar trajectory, with an international release as the Realme GT 7T. In terms of specifications, the Neo 7 SE is expected to feature a similar 7,000mAh battery as its predecessor, and an effective heat dissipation system to maintain performance. Exactly what the other features will include is yet to be clarified.
In comparison, the Redmi Turbo 4 will rival the Neo 7 SE with impressive specifications of its own. It will feature a 6.67-inch AMOLED 1.5K 120Hz display, powered by the Dimensity 8400-Ultra chipset. The device will offer up to 16GB of LPDDR5x RAM and up to 512GB of UFS 4.0 storage.
The Turbo 4 will also pack a 6,550mAh battery with 90W fast charging support, a 20MP front camera, and a dual-camera setup on the rear consisting of a 50MP and 8MP camera. Both phones are set to compete fiercely in the market, with their powerful chipsets and large batteries.
When will Realme Neo 7 SE launch?
It will be unveiled in February 2025 in China.
What is the battery capacity of the Realme Neo 7 SE?
The phone will feature a 7,000mAh battery.