MediaTek officially announced the Dimensity 8400, its most recent chipset for Android smartphones that balance price and performance. Xiaomi has also announced that it will be the first to use this new processor. The Dimensity 8400 is said to debut with Redmi Turbo 4 Pro. Though Xiaomi might have the spotlight all to itself for now, it may not last long as another marquee brand appears to be poised to enter the ring.
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Realme Neo 7 SE Rumored to Launch with MediaTek Dimensity 8400 SoC, Taking on Xiaomi Redmi Turbo 4 Pro
Now, it seems that Realme is hoping to one-up them with a Dimensity 8400-powered device if some teaser posts on Weibo are to be believed. While initial company hints were ambiguous, noted tipster Digital Chat Station outed on some details. The leaker alleges that the first known Realme device featuring the Dimensity 8400 SoC can be the Neo 7 SE, which would be the successor to the GT Neo 6 SE of the last generation. The upcoming smartphone will present a considerable upgrade but with an even lower price than Realme’s current Dimensity 9300+ flagship.
With the 4nm architecture, the Neo 7 SE can potentially offer a strong efficiency and performance advantage in the highly competitive MID-RANGE segment. Adding to that, they are also guessing that the device could sport a huge 7,000mAh battery that would set it apart in its class and is aimed at catering to a wider audience. Should these rumors prove to be correct, Realme’s offering could present a direct threat to Xiaomi’s Redmi Turbo 4 Pro.
The Dimensity 8400 is set to shake up the smartphone industry by powering devices that deliver top-tier performance at a reasonable price. With Xiaomi and Realme both leveraging this chipset in their upcoming launches, consumers can expect a wave of feature-rich yet cost-effective smartphones, fueling competition and innovation in the market.
What is the Dimensity 8400 SoC?
It’s MediaTek’s latest chipset offering high performance and affordability for Android smartphones.
When will the Realme Neo 7 SE launch?
An official launch date hasn’t been confirmed, but it’s expected in the 2025 product cycle.