Today Realme India announced that they are going to launch the upheld Realme Narzo series. The Narzo 10 and Narzo 10A will be launched on April 21 from 12:30 pm onwards and the launch event will be totally online and will be streamed via Realme’s official Facebook and YouTube accounts.
Previously the launch of the Realme Narzo series was announced on March 26, but that got postponed due to the nationwide lockdown imposed in India due to COVID-19 outbreak. Though the lockdown is not revoked yet, still the company has chosen to launch the device with an online event.
Realme is among those companies like Vivo, OnePlus, Xiaomi, ect. who had postponed their smartphone launches back in May. But now as Realme declared their launch is back on track most of the other companies will also follow this and we could see more launched after April 20. Still none of the companies except Realme has declared officially about this.
Now coming to the Narzo series, the Narzo 10 is likely to be a rebranded Realme 6i which was launched in Myanmar on 17th March. The Narzo 10A looks like a triple camera variant Realme C3 which is sold in Thailand and Indonesia.
We will keep you updated with the latest information unveiled officially on due date of launch.