Recently, Realme launched its much-awaited Realme Buds Q TWS earbuds in India alongside Realme X3 series. This is a budget TWS earbuds series as its price at ₹1,999 and brings a lot of unique features which its sole competitor Xiaomi lacks in its Redmi Earbuds S which costs ₹1,799. In design perspective also the Realme Buds Q looks premium and has better audio.
So naturally, amidst, the #BoyottChina movement, people seem to have jumped upon these new TWS earbuds, which are really selling like candies in India. On July 1st, the Realme Buds Q went on sale for the first time on Amazon India and Realme’s online store. After a day, Realme came out to social media to share that it has sold over 25,000 units on the first day of sale.
This is a huge number for the first sale and it seems these new TWS earbuds will be a huge success in the country even though its country of origin remains Chinese.
Realme Buds Q comes with a 10mm driver said to be largest in an audio device at this price range. It is very much safe from the water and dust splashes because of the IPX4 rating. It features Bluetooth 5.0 support and provides a long 20 hours of continuous music playback time in one single charge.
The case has 30W fast charging support via micro USB port and the ‘Quick Control’ ability lets user to navigate the currently playing music. There are double, single, and dual touch controls available that allow users to have a smooth touch control over the music play, pause, and skip.
It is lightweight earbuds weighing just 3.6 grams and with the case, it becomes 35.3 grams in total. Also, it comes in a lot of colour variants including Quite Black, Quite White, and Quite Yellow. If you are judging to buy one for you, do check our review on the Realme Buds Q which is coming soon, keep an eye on this space for it. Buy it from here:
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