Realme has recently launched the Realme 6i in India as the and before than in smartphone accessories we saw the Realme 10,000mAh Power Bank 2 and the Realme Buds Q a month back. Realme India CEO Madhav Seth has also revealed in this recent interview that the company is planning to launch a bunch of AIoT products and other products as well.
Recently a new product is spotted in the TÜV Rheinland Japan certification which is named Realme M1 Sonic Electric Toothbrush, which is a smart toothbrush just like Mi Toothbrush. According to Sudhanshu “This Electric Toothbrush might be the first product from realme’s AIoT portfolio that was recently shared by the brand.”
This toothbrush will be another addition to the brand’s AIoT devices collection, and the brand has also not confirmed the launch of this gadget. So, we have to wait for the final launch of this smart toothbrush to know all the exact details.