Tipster Sudhanshu has added some new information with the Helio G35 chipset confirmation in the upcoming smartphone from Realme. The upcoming smartphone from Realme is said to be the C11 which will be another member of the entry-level smartphone series of the brand. Realme official confirmed that this will be the first smartphone with MediaTek Helio G35 chipset.
Yesterday Sudhanshu had tipped some sneak peek into the specifications of upcoming entry-level Realme C11 device. In addition to the Helio G35 chipset, the device will feature a large 6.5-inches display with a mini drop-notch.
The exact camera details have not been revealed still but the tipster found that there will be a 13MP main sensor around the back in the dual-camera setup. Rear cameras will be able to shoot in Super Nightscape mode. The front camera details are also not known.
The Helio G35 chipset will be paired with a 2GB RAM and a 32GB memory. There is no mention of other storage options till now. A triple card slot will help to expand the memory. The phone will be powered with a 5,000mAh battery and may come with fast charging.
There is no official news on the launch of this smartphone, but as it had briefly appeared on Realme’s official website so we can conclude that the launch is around the corner. The launch may happen within a week or it can be a surprise launch with the Realme X3 series that will be launched on June 25.