Finally, Realme has revealed the launch date of the Realme Buds Q in India. The company has decided to launch the Buds Q on June 25, 12:30 PM onwards along with the Realme X3 and Realme X3 SuperZoom. On the same day, Realme is launching two new smartphones of a series and a wearable sound device.
The Realme Buds Q was made official for the first time in China last month when the brand launched its first smart TV. A few days ago officials had also revealed that the Realme Buds Q will be available in India under Rs.2,000 price range. Realme is clearly trying to compete with the Redmi Earbud S.
We know pretty much everything about this device and the main feature of this device is that it comes with a 10mm driver said to be largest in an audio device at this price range. It is very much safe from the water and dust splashes because of the IPX4 rating. Also, it is a 119 milliseconds latency rate holder. Needless to say, it is connectable with your smartphone via Bluetooth 5.0.
The company says this TWS earbud can provide 20 hours of continuous music playback time in one single charge. In the matter of the charge, the case has 30W fast charging support. Unfortunately, it doesn’t have any wireless charging facility, only the wired charging is available through the micro USB port.
For the ‘Quick Control’ ability, the user can manage to navigate the currently playing music. There are double, single, and dual touch controls available. That means, the user has a smooth touch control over the music play, pause, and skip. The most interesting fact is the buds are weighed 3.6 grams which makes it lighter than an A4 paper. Along with the case, its weight becomes 35.3 grams in total.
Realme has already created a landing page on its website and this device will be via and Our review of this product will arrive soon.