Realme Buds Air 2 was launched along with the Narzo 30 series in India a few weeks back and now Realme is set to unveil another device that might attract a lot of customers. We are talking about Realme Buds Air 2 Neo which will be launched on 7th April. The earlier launched product, Realme Buds Air 2, was launched along with the Active Noise Cancellation feature. This ANC feature is not generally provided with this segment of air buds. It is mostly offered with products in the range of Realme Buds Air Pro.
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Now, Realme, the Chinese smartphone manufacturer, is going to bring the Active Noise Cancellation feature to even cheaper TWS models as soon-to-be-launched Realme Buds Air 2 Neo will sport this feature. Realme, themselves, shared the teaser of their upcoming air buds on Twitter. You can find the tweet below. Realme Buds Air Neo, the previous model, took the inspiration of design from Realme Buds Air.
But this time, it looks like Realme Buds Air 2 Neo will be a bit different. It might look similar to Realme Buds Q. Though, the major change is the presence of a button on the Realme Buds Air 2 Neo. This button is said to ease the pairing process which sometimes gives headaches to the users.
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Realme in their tweet has also announced that Realme Buds Air 2 Neo will pack 10mm Dynamic Bass Boost Drivers. It will also feature 10mm, audio drivers. Talking about longevity, Realme has revealed that Buds Air 2 Neo will offer 28-hour music playback. Only this much is revealed officially till now but with the official unveil just three days later, we will get all the details very soon.