Yesterday during its Realme XT launch event, Realme did announce its Android 10 update rollout schedule to its existing devices. The main attraction of the event was the Realme XT with a 64MP camera that was launched at Rs.15,999 along with other Realme accessories.
Another important thing that most of us overlooked is the Android 10 update rollout schedule. Realme CEO Madhav Seth did not miss the opportunity to tell its users that they will soon start rolling out Android 10 update.
The Android 10 or Android Q has been launched last week and it’s currently only available to Pixel devices. Next, the Android One devices will get the update along with OnePlus devices and many more other premium smartphones.
Realme has a wide range of smartphones but mostly targeting the budget segment only. Though they have mostly budget and mid-ranged devices, still they emphasize on the user experience to satisfy its youth customer needs.
The ColorOS has been the most disheartening thing of Realme devices, showing their native support of being a brand emerged by the Chinese giant Oppo. Madhav Seth did assure of coming out with its own OS, and a couple of weeks ago a secret Realme Mystery Project was unveiled, asking for beta-testers which we assume to be the new Realme OS.
At the event yesterday, Realme showed its Android 10 update roadmap that features 8 of its current devices. The Android 10 will first make its way to the Realme 3 Pro, Realme 5 Pro, Realme X, and Realme XT at the Q1 of 2020. No exact dates have been told but surely we will know in the coming months.
In the next quarter i.e. in Q2 of 2020, Realme 3, Realme 3i, and Realme 5 will get the update, followed by the Realme 2 Pro in Q3 2020 when Android 11 will start rolling out for some smartphones. The roadmap here is quite a time consuming and however not at all subjective to its “Dare to Leap” motto.
Smartphones like Realme 1, Realme 2, Realme U1, and the entry-level Realme C series have no place in the list which is very underwhelming. We expect Realme to say about these devices in the coming months, preferably at its December event where they will launch the Realme XT 730G version and maybe some other devices as well.
This delay in Android 10 update might be due to the launch of its own Realme OS which will also feature Android 10 features. There’s a lot of expectation regarding the new OS which we will be more like stock OS and smooth, without any bloatware, housing all the Android 10 features.
Realme has improved a lot in a year or so and managed to capture a lot of share in the smartphone market. With an increasing number of consumers, we expect Realme to get better in the coming days and wait till 2020 to get the Android 10 update in the form of Realme OS.
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