Yesterday Realme had launched Realme 8i and 8s smartphones along with Realme Pad and Buds Air 2 TWS, Cobble Bluetooth speaker, Pocket Bluetooth Speaker in India. During the launch event, the company has also announced that its upcoming numbered series Realme 9 will launch next year.
According to the company, Realme 9 will adopt fantastic mainstream processors. As of now the next year’s launch of the Realme 9 series will impact the mid-range smartphone market in India. The numbered series of the company in India is one of the most popular series and many people were waiting for the launch of the Realme 9 series in India.
Last week, the CMO of Realme India confirmed the existence of the Realme 9 series. As promised he has also disclosed more information about the smartphone in yesterday’s launch. Unfortunately, the company did not say much about these handsets, except that the release will be delayed.
According to some previous reports, the Realme 9 series could include Realme 9, Realme 9 Pro, Realme 9 Prime, and Realme 9A. Along with these, there could also be two Realme Note 9 smartphones – Realme Note 9 and Realme Note 9 Prime.