Realme has been teasing the upcoming Realme 8 series for a long time, which will be equipped with a 108MP camera. The company has yet now revealed the launch date of the series but today a tipster claims that the launch is scheduled for 24th March, which means at the last week of this month and after the launch of the OnePlus 9 series in India.
Previous a tipster claimed that the launch will be held on March 25 but the same tipster also claims that it was a mistake and the correct date is March 24. If 24th is the final date then this might get over-shadow this launch with the OnePlus 9 series launch in India a day before it.
Realme 8 Specifications (expected)
- 6.4in Super AMOLED 60Hz
- MediaTek Helio G95
- 64MP Quad Camera
- 5000mAh Battery
- 30W Dart Charging
- Storage: 4/64 GB and 6/128 GB
Realme 8 Pro Specifications (expected)
- 6.4in 120Hz Super Amoled
- 108MP Quad Camera
- Snapdragon 730G SoC
- 5000mAh Battery
- Storage: 6/128 GB
A tipster claims that the Realme 8 series will have three smartphones: Realme 8 4G, 8 Pro 4G, and 8 Pro 5G.