Actor Ram Pothineni’s combination movie, helmed by P Mahesh Babu was announced officially during the Vijayadasami festival last Saturday. The flick is billed to be a comedy-drama and will mark Ram’s 22nd film. The movie is being bankrolled by popular production house Mythri Movie Makers and the theme ‘Untold Emotions’ indicates that Panjaa Vaishnav Tej would be coming up with narratives that were never experimented in Tollywood.
Mahesh Babu to Feature in Ram Pothineni’s New film
The announcement was made via a post on X, where the makers expressed their excitement, stating, “A film that will take up a colossal space on Ustaad’s wall of fame. RAPO22 will channel all of RaPo’s energy to tell a lesser-told story. Filming untold emotions, soon.” This indicates a commitment to crafting a unique narrative that resonates with audiences.
The film is directed by P Mahesh Babu, who earlier made the hit comedy-drama Miss Shetty Mr. Polishetty starring Naveen Polishetty and Anushka Shelly in key roles. The film received a good response from the public and was commercially successful, so he had his task cut out in proving to people that this wasn’t a fluke. Few details about the new film, including casting and crewing news have been announced as filming is lined up to start in November 2024.
Double iSmart, the latest flick of actor Ram Pothineni was under Puri Jagannadh’s direction. The film was met with mixed responses from critics though and it earned less revenue at the box office than anticipated. Ram was in line to do the film under Harish Shankar’s direction before this movie but that project silently got halted.
As excitement around this collaboration of Ram Pothineni and P Mahesh Babu is already building, the fans are waiting to see how things take shape in terms of the narrative once it is made official and what kind of new elements about cinema will pop up with the untitled film. The project, which will feature Ram in a never-seen-before love track among many other emotional dramas from life’s hidden amour-propre stores is set to be one of the major films in his career displaying him as an actor with varied styles.
What is the genre of Ram Pothineni’s upcoming film?
The film is described as a comedy-drama, focusing on “Untold Emotions.”
When does filming for the new project begin?
Filming for the untitled film is set to commence in November 2024.