Earlier, the Mumbai based glassware company Borosil, then the Korean giant Samsung, and now, another company named Raegr brings sterilizer box to Indians. This new box is called Arc 1500 UVC Sterilizer Box, and it’s multipurpose. It can disinfect and sterilize your personal items as well as electronic gadgets in just 8 minutes and to do so, the box uses UV rays.
In technical terms, the Arc 1500 UVC Sterilizer Box is a sterilization chamber based on universal ultraviolet LEDs. It is effective for the disinfection of germs, bacterias, fungi, and COVID-19 too, and that also 99.9%. This feature is similar to Borosil and Samsung’s products. But here are the additions and unique features.
There is a built-in wireless charger of 10W. So you can charge any Qi-enabled device while disinfecting it. All the wireless charging compatible devices, both smartphones and earbuds, can be charged through it.
The second unique feature is built-in aroma diffuser which is fitted inside the chamber. But to use that the user will have to manually put 6 drops of aroma essential oil into a particular hole inside the box.
This unique RAEGR Arc 1500 UVC Sterilizer Box costs Rs. 3,499 and currently available on Amazon in the white color variant. If you want to buy one, the buy link is given below.
Link: https://amzn.to/31khj4E
Do Check Out 👇🏼