To mass produce the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, Qualcomm is reportedly planning to use the same TSMC 4nm process as the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2. If the most recent rumour is accurate, the company’s next flagship SoC will come with a number of improvements, including the Adreno 750 running at a clock speed faster than the Adreno 740, despite not switching to the 3nm architecture like Apple has.
According to MyDrivers, the Cortex-X4 chip inside the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 will reportedly operate at 3.72GHz.
The Cortex-X4 has seen a 15 percent increase in frequency, but until the most recent update, we were unable to discuss the Adreno 750’s clock speed. According to the latest rumour, the graphics processor will run at a frequency of 1.00GHz, which is a staggering 45 percent higher than the Adreno 740’s 689MHz value when operating in the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2.
Even though this upgrade will give any smartphone running the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 a significant boost in graphics performance, how will the SoC manage all of that heat production, especially given that the upcoming silicon is expected to be mass produced using the same manufacturing process as the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2? Perhaps Qualcomm has created a new design to aid in enhancing performance without jeopardising spikes in power consumption.
After all, it was also mentioned that Qualcomm’s upcoming high-end chipset would use 20% less power when discussing the impressive performance numbers obtained by an engineering unit using the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3. The rumour is silent on whether the Galaxy S24, which is expected to debut next year, will be the only flagship to use this version of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3.
Last year, Qualcomm released two Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 models, the more potent of which was available only for the Galaxy S23 family and ran at higher CPU and GPU clock speeds. Although we currently lack the means to do so, it is possible that every Galaxy S24 model would have been tested with the Adreno 750 GPU operating at that 1.00GHz speed.
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