Qualcomm has discreetly unveiled its latest mobile chipset, the Snapdragon 6 Gen 3. The new chipset is an upgrade over the previous Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 as it brings a better CPU performance of up to +10% and improved artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, by about +20%. The chipset is the second new SoC launched by the U.S.-headquartered chipmaker in recent days, after the unveiling of Snapdragon 4s Gen 2 SoCs for entry-level smartphones at its Snapdragon for India event in July.
The All New Qualcomm Snapdragon 6 Gen 3
The Snapdragon 6 Gen 3 chip, known as model number SM6475-AB, is the successor to Qualcomm’s mid-tier platform. Positioned above the Snapdragon 6s Gen 3, which was launched in May, this chip is built on a 64-bit architecture and features an eight-core Qualcomm Kryo CPU with a peak clock speed of 2.4GHz.
The chipset will also support LPDDR5 RAM clocked at 3200MHz and full-HD displays with a refresh rate of up to 120Hz, Qualcomm says. The onboard Adreno GPU promises 30 percent improved performance and features APIs like OpenGL ES 3.2, Vulkan 1.1, and OpenCL 2.0. The chip is manufactured using a 4-nanometer process.
In addition, the Snapdragon 6 Gen 3 comes with a Qualcomm Sensing Hub integrated Low Power AI system which facilitates features driven by Artificial Intelligence including voice assistants, noise cancellation, and camera customizations. On the display front, it supports Variable Rate Shading which allows better rendering by showing main content in full resolution and secondary areas at lower quality.
Smartphones equipped with the Snapdragon 6 Gen 3 will support up to 200-megapixel cameras, thanks to its triple 12-bit Spectra ISP setup that includes multi-frame noise reduction, an AI-based de-noising engine, and Staggered High Dynamic Range (CIDR).
In terms of navigation, Qualcomm’s new processor supports multiple satellite systems including QZSS, Galileo, Beidou, GLONASS, NavIC, and GPS, with lane-level and sidewalk-level precision. For connectivity, it includes Bluetooth 5.2, Wi-Fi 6E, and support for Quick Charge 4+ via USB Type-C. Additionally, the chipset supports fingerprint recognition through the Qualcomm 3D Sonic Sensor Max.
What improvements does the Snapdragon 6 Gen 3 offer over its predecessor?
It delivers a 10% boost in CPU performance and a 20% improvement in AI capabilities.
What camera support does the Snapdragon 6 Gen 3 provide?
It supports up to 200MP lenses and features a triple 12-bit Spectra ISP setup.