Qualcomm is gearing up for the launch of its next flagship processor that is likely to power a significant chunk of premium and flagship smartphones in 2022. The company will host its annual Snapdragon Summit event on November 30, where it will also unveil other developments around the mobile processor segment. A week ahead of the launch, the US-based chipmaker has changed the naming scheme of its platform. Unlike previous Snapdragon chips, which had a numeric naming scheme, Qualcomm’s upcoming chip will have single-digit names.
The teaser video and blog post confirm the possibility of the Snapdragon 898 launching as the Snapdragon 8 series chip, possibly called the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1. “A new simplified and consistent naming structure for our platforms makes it easier for our customers to discover and choose devices powered by Snapdragon. This means our mobile platforms will transition to a single-digit series and generation number, aligning with other product categories — starting with our newest flagship Snapdragon 8-series platform,” says Qualcomm.
The entire rebranding movement will use more simplified icons and the improved use of gold for premium-level products, Qualcomm says. Also, the chips will no longer carry the 5G moniker, as Qualcomm will fully transition to 5G platforms.
“We’ve separated the Qualcomm and Snapdragon brands. Going forward, Snapdragon will be a standalone product brand with specific ties to the Qualcomm brand where appropriate,” says Qualcomm.
In addition to this, the chipmaker will also pass the new naming scheme to its other product categories. Qualcomm believes that the new simplified naming structure makes it easier for customers to discover and choose devices powered by Snapdragon. As of now, only the new naming scheme has been confirmed. Qualcomm is expected to drop more details of its flagship chip at the Snapdragon Summit on November 30.
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