A recent render from 91mobiles shows the different colour options and the design of the upcoming POCO M3 smartphone. This time the POCO M3 is getting a different look from its predecessors. The launch of POCO M3 is set at November 24th, but the company has not revealed any information about its specifications and design as well. A few days back with the name reveal, the phone had also appeared in TENAA website revealing some of its specifications. The phone is not mysterious right now, so let’s discuss about the features and design of the phone.
As the render shows the design of the phone, let’s talk know about it first then will move towards the specification of the POCO M3.
The image shared by 91mobiles shows three colour options of the POCO M3 phone. The colour options shown in the image are – black, yellow. and blue. We can see a drop notch design on the display. The back panel of the phone is more interesting because it resembles a similar design of a recently launched phone. The back of the phone is monochrome design but the glass of the camera portion is extended to give an unique look on the phone. Though we have already seen this kind of design on the OnePlus 8T Cyberpunk 2077 Edition, but it definitely not a copy as the gap in release dates are of few weeks and so, according to us, it is impossile to make a copy within such a short time. At the back we can see a triple rear camera design with LED flash.There is a side-mounted fingerprint scanner
Specifications of POCO M3 (Rumored)
The phone is expected to come with a 6.53-inch FHD+ Dot Drop display and will be powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 662 chipset paired with 4GB RAM. As for the cameras, the POCO M3 is tipped to offer a 48MP primary sensor. As per the TENAA specification list the other camera details has not been revealed yet. Moreover, it is expected that the device will pack a large 6,000mAh battery and support 18W fast charging.