Recently a tipster has shared on his Telegram about the tipped price of the Poco C3 in India. There are a couple of leaked images of a retail box as shared by that tipster. From those leaks, we can see that the Poco C3 carries a price tag of Rs. 10,990 for the 4GB + 64Gb variant in a Matte Black color option. The model number that is mentioned on the box is M2006C3MI. But the other key specifications of that upcoming phone are still unknown. It is expected that the Poco C3 will be a rebranded version of the Redmi 9C.
If we want to discuss the specs of this phone, then we can take the Redmi 9C as the Poco C3 will be a rebranded version of it (probably). The Redmi 9C runs on the Android 10 Os and is powered by the octa-core MediaTek Helio G35 SoC paired with up to 4GB of RAM. Regarding the display, this phone offers a 6.53-inch HD+ display. This phone also comes with a rear-mounted fingerprint sensor and support AI face unlock.
In terms of camera, the Redmi 9C features a triple rear camera setup on its back with a notched selfie snapper at the front. Regarding the battery, this phone is fueled by a 5,000mAH battery with the support of 1W fast charging. Apart from it, this phone has every other connectivity options, like a 3.5mm audio jack, 4G LTE, Wi-Fi, and Micro-USB port for charging.
The company has not shared the release date of the Poco C3. In terms of the Redmi 9C, it was originally launched in Malaysia. Apart from it, the retail box also mentioned the RAM and storage variant, color variant, and the price, along with some other details like the SAR value and model number. We hope in the upcoming days, we’ll come to know more about this upcoming Poco C3.