Oppo India tweeted the upcoming launch of the Oppo F17 Pro. In the month of January Oppo had launched the Oppo F15 in India and almost after seven month the company is back with its successor. A few days ago we reported that a new oppo smartphone will launch in India pretty soon, and as we expected the company is already talking about Oppo F17 Pro smartphone.
From the short video shared in the tweet, the company has portrayed it as “The Sleekest Phone Of 2020”, while the phone is 7.48mm thick and only 164g light being one of the lightest and slimmest smartphone launched this year. The company has not revealed the exact launch date of the smartphone but it is expected to launch by the end of this month or earlier next month.
The phone shown in the short video clip has a left profile with the sim-tray and volume buttons. From this angle only two cameras are visible but we can not expect this phone to have only two cameras as the Oppo F15 had quad-rear camera setup at the back. So, this might be the case that this phone will come with a square shaped camera layout and thus only two cameras are visible from this angle.
Oppo F17 Pro targets the youth of India and might be priced around Rs.25,000 ($335/€280) segment in 2020. As per our source, the phone will launch in early September. A few days ago, OPPO PEAM00 was spotted on the TENAA website and some key specs of the device have been revealed. The listing has been spotted by Mukul Sharma, he has also shared two images of the device.